Howdy Danielle,
At this remove it is a bit hard to tell, but if you are getting buzz only on/at
one fret then I wouldn't suspect the saddle but the frets themselves. If it is
buzzing on a string all the way up the board then that sort of implies the
saddle being low. If it is just at one fret that it buzzes then maybe a fret
further down the board, the next one for example, may be a bit high. Simple fix
to just level the frets if you like the action.
That being said, having a new saddle installed and fitted and the intonation
set should be a job all told under ~$150us I would think.
Again, that may not be what is needed. I'm assuming that if you just got it
back from the luthier he/she did check all the usual in the proper sequence so
maybe talk to him/her again about it?
Alan D.
Post by DanielleOMHi All
I got my Eastman archback guitar back from the luthier. He said the
truss rod needed a little lubrication.
I ended up giving the truss rod another tweak after getting it back and
the relief now seems to be close to what have with my SCGC OM. It would
seem the guitar can be set up within the range I like without having to
reset the neck. Eastman made this one with a bridge so thin, that there
is no room for bridge shaving.
I think the saddle needs to be reworked or replaced. It's been sanded,
and shimmed several times in the past. I am realizing the high E string
is too low. (Bad buzz on the 13th fret).
Anyone have experience with pre-shaped saddles?
Not exactly sure what the fretboard radius is. I do know that it's
smaller than my SCGC OM, but does not seem extremely small.
When measured, the string height is not any higher than what I have on
my SCGC OM, on the 6th string. However it feels higher. I admit I did
not check every string. I am wondering if the radius actually changes
ones perception when it comes to string height.Sha
"You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment". - Francis Urquhart