Post by David L. MartelAndrew,
How's the book coming? Have you given it to your editor/publisher yet?
Dave M.
Due date is Monday, May 11th, we got one more extension, from May 1st. We are in the final polish stage now, that's why we asked for the extra week, which they were glad to give. The tighter it is the less work for them to do when they get the manuscript.
Getting my new editor, Lindsey Tate, in early February was a Godsend. It freed up Wendy, my wife, to take over putting all the research together. I equate research with homework, which is one of the many things that are not playing the guitar and therefore on my "undesirable to do" list. I do enjoy the storytelling part of the book, the anecdotal stories. We also had a lot of enthusiasm from the medical and music & medicine experts. I think readers will find a lot of interesting things in this book. I hope so!
Thanks for asking, hope you are well,