"Chris Rockcliffe" <***@scripto99.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
> Steve Hawkins18/08/2006 22:10
>> You can blame all the worlds ills on Bush if you want, but It's a much
>> older and much larger conflict than Bush culd ever take credit for.
> True - but even though he is just a front puppet President of the powerful
> regime that controls him, he has overseen the 9/11 era and its aftermath;
> including the continuing invasion and occupation of Iraq.
>> 9/11 was planned and prepped during the Clinton Admin.
> I think that is correct, since at least Clinton. But planned by who
> exactly
> and with who involved - the right wing think-tanks behind the scenes, the
> CIA, Israeli intelligence?
> Why were a bunch of Israeli secret service personnel positioned on the New
> Jersey side of the Hudson in advance of the 9/11 events to watch the
> planes
> actually crash? How did they know? Was Mohammed Atta working for the CIA?
> The CIA won't answer straight questions about anything. Just WTF was going
> on there? There were too many strange occurrences and strange coincidences
> that day - too many. Who masterminded 9/11? and why?
> That's the question - or rather a few of the very very many unanswered
> questions about 9/11. Let's talk about 9/11 and terrorist incidents in
> Music NGs if you must - but at least let's get real about it. Some of us
> here don't believe the official crap some of you others seem to believe
> without question. We're starting from a totally different grid position.
> The towers WTC 1 and 2 and later on in the day - WTC 7 ALL came down as a
> result - not of burning aircraft fuel (Kerosene does not burn hot enough
> to
> melt steel) - but controlled explosions. Explosions witnessed in floor
> after
> floor, by hundreds of people on the ground - NYC fire-fighters, NYC
> police,
> NYC medics and other NYC civilians.
> Why was molten metal found in the ground zero rubble?; why was it still
> burning and smouldering weeks later with fire hoses turned on for weeks?;
> was it the result of someone utilising and setting off specialist
> explosions
> using special thermite reaction to bring down those structures and melt
> steel - the chemical reactions still triggering weeks later as might be
> expected in several hundred feet of rubble?; What reduced the steel
> sections to pieces no bigger than a single story of the WTC 1 and 2
> buildings?...
> Who planted such devices and explosives - when and how? It must have taken
> weeks or months to prepare those buildings to implode right to the ground
> in
> a vertical collapse and in a very short time. They collapsed as the
> aircraft
> fuel was almost all burned up...
> Such photographed and recorded observations cannot be explained away with
> official bullshit and no proper scientific back-up. Even some of the news
> footage taken on that day has been sequestrated or not returned or
> destroyed. These questions are fundamental and there are very many of
> them
> - (300 to 350 of them at the last count) and have never been answered.
> Who planted those explosives and how and when?; why was WTC 7 also
> demolished later in the afternoon of that day?; it was largely undamaged
> by
> the aircraft so why and what made it collapse?; was it the control center
> for an demolition operation which was controlled from there and had to be
> destroyed by a further explosion?.
> No independent investigation by any experts in their field and examination
> of the rubble at Ground Zero was ever allowed. NONE. The site was closed
> to
> all but selected FEMA workers and very highly paid subcontracted
> employees.
> The steel material was taken away in guarded trucks and put into ships and
> taken off to Far East Asia to be melted down asap.
> Why wasn't there any proper independent investigation into 9/11? What did
> they have to hide by having a proper investigation. I think it seems
> clear
> they did not want the truth to be known. But you cannot hide everything
> on
> that scale.
> What hit the Pentagon was not a Boeing 757. A Boeing 757 is a massive
> aircraft. Had such an aircraft hit the Pentagon it would have destroyed
> about ten times as much of the building as was destroyed. Every air crash
> expert in the world knows that. So what was it? And the videotape footage
> (which would prove conclusively what it was) of the impact - removed 30
> minutes from at least 10 cameras after the crash by the FBI - has never
> been
> seen again.
> 9/11 was not what it was purported to be by the US Govt. Now you might
> wonder why - not just a billion Muslims, but many people in the capitalist
> non Muslim western world are wondering what exactly was/is going on.
> And if you have a doubt that all is not right about the official version
> of
> events, ask yourself who actually might be responsible for the deaths of
> thousands of people that day. Lives sacrificed so that America could
> attack
> the oil owning nations? First Iraq - now Iran on the cards...
> In a survey in the 9/11 target - NYC, 80% of people did not believe the US
> Govt's. version of events. Why is that do you think...? do they know
> something you don't know? You bet your life they do. Everyone knows
> someone with a different story in NYC. Until I get the whole truth -
> until
> we all get the truth - I'm prepared to believe the worst is a very strong
> possibility.
> They aint fooling me and haven't for the last 4 years. What are they
> hiding? The whole 9/11 thing sucks badly and not for the reasons we might
> have all first thought. I'm angry that so many were murdered (thousands of
> them not even US citizens) and angry that the USA powers truly believe
> they
> they can get away with this heinous crime of immense proportions.
> Too shocking to contemplate? - yes almost... If you think this was
> possibly
> an inside job; or that the USA played a part in it; or just dismiss any
> speculation stuff as pie-in-the-sky stuff, you better start asking why you
> think that. Is Osama the real brains or was he created by the powers that
> be to whip us all up into a frenzy of hatred?
> Islamic extremism is real enough. Now we do have real Muslim extremist
> terrorists - youngsters born in the UK - 2nd and 3rd generation Pakistani
> Muslims with heads filled full of hate and bullshit trying to raise the
> 9/11
> bar in the horrors league even higher still (as if that were possible
> after
> what we witnessed at 9/11). You wonder why many of us abroad don't trust
> you
> any more... We aint seen the end of it by a long chalk.
> The truth will out one day (too many people know about this shit) and the
> American people will perhaps come to its senses and the grim realisation
> of
> what their bastard leaders in power were/are really about. American power
> mongers and so called world bankers have always meddled in world politics,
> enacted economic strategies, started wars, revolutions,
> counter-revolutions,
> aided terrorists aided wars - all in their own interests. They've been
> doing it in a wider sense for 2 centuries - and now we can see what depths
> they will stoop to - to realise their evil goals.
> I cannot believe we in the UK were involved with this evil shit, but we as
> a
> nation were and still are - very much so.
> YMMV. I just get mad thinking about all those shattered lives.
> CR
What a bunch of unmitigated BS! I bet you believe in flying saucers and
Bigfoot, too.........